Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Top 10 Craziest Science things you might not know

You might notknow these:
1. You can Hypnotize Chickens
A chicken can be hypnotized, or put into a trance by holding its head down against the ground, and continuously drawing a line along the ground with a stick or a finger, starting at its beak and extending straight outward in front of the chicken.
If the chicken is hypnotized in this manner, it will remain immobile for somewhere between 15 seconds to 30 minutes, continuing to stare at the line.
2. You can have an erection once dead
A death erection (sometimes referred to as "angel lust") is a post-mortem erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or face-down – the cadaver remaining in this position. During life, the pumping of blood by the heart ensures a relatively even distribution around the blood vessels of the human body. Once this mechanism has ended, only the force of gravity acts upon the blood. As with any mass, the blood settles at the lowest point of the body and causes edema or swelling to occur; the discoloration caused by this is called lividity.
3. Your hand can have a life of it's own
Alien hand syndrome (or Dr. Strangelove syndrome) is an unusual neurological disorder in which one of the sufferer's hands seems to take on a life of its own.

AHS is best documented in cases where a person has had the two hemispheres of their brain surgically separated, a procedure sometimes used to relieve the symptoms of extreme cases of epilepsy. It also occurs in some cases after other brain surgery, strokes, or infections. The HAND is after you!
4. Don't laugh too much, it can kill you
Fatal hilarity is death as a result of laughter. In the third century B.C. the Greek philosopher Chrysippus died of laughter after seeing a donkey eating figs (hey, it wasn't THAT funny).

On 24 March 1975 Alex Mitchell, a 50-year-old bricklayer from King's Lynn, England, literally died laughing while watching an episode of The Goodies. According to his wife, who was a witness, Mitchell was unable to stop laughing whilst watching a sketch in the episode "Kung Fu Kapers" in which Tim Brooke-Taylor, dressed as a kilted Scotsman, used a set of bagpipes to defend himself from a psychopathic black pudding in a demonstration of the Scottish martial art of "Hoots-Toot-ochaye". After twenty-five minutes of continuous laughter Mitchell finally slumped on the sofa and expired from heart failure. His widow later sent the Goodies a letter thanking them for making Mitchell's final moments so pleasant.
5. A weapon could make you Gay
Gay bomb is an informal name for a potential non-lethal chemical weapon, which a U.S. Air Force research laboratory speculated about producing.

In one sentence of the document it was suggested that a strong aphrodisiac could be dropped on enemy troops, ideally one which would also cause "homosexual behaviour". So that's how they got Saddam!
6. It's true, Men can breastfeed
The phenomenon of male lactation in humans has become more common in recent years due to the use of medications that stimulate a human male's mammary glands.

Male lactation is most commonly caused by hormonal treatments given to men suffering from prostate cancer. It is also possible for males (and females) to induce lactation through constant massage and simulated 'sucking' of the nipple over a long period of time (months).
7. Bart Simpson's Tomacco (half tomato, half tobacco) was possible
A tomacco is originally a fictional hybrid fruit that is half tomato and half tobacco, from the 1999 episode "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)" of The Simpsons; the method used to create the tomacco in the episode is fictional.

The tomacco became real when it was allegedly produced in 2003. Inspired by The Simpsons, Rob Baur of Lake Oswego, Oregon successfully grafted a tomato plant onto the roots of a tobacco plant, which was possible because both plants come from the same family.

8. It's OK to have a third nipple
A supernumerary nipple (also known as a third nipple) is an additional nipple occurring in mammals including humans. Often mistaken for moles, supernumerary nipples are diagnosed at a rate of 2% in females, less in males. The nipples appear along the two vertical "milk lines" which start in the armpit on each side, run down through the typical nipples and end at the groin. They are classified into eight levels of completeness from a simple patch of hair to a milk-bearing breast in miniature.
9. You can die on the Toilet
There are many toilet-related injuries and some toilet-related deaths throughout history and in urban legends.

In young boys, one of the most common causes of genital injury is when the toilet seat falls down while using the toilet.

George II of Great Britain died on the toilet on 25 October 1760 from an aortic dissection. According to Horace Walpole's memoirs, King George "rose as usual at six, and drank his chocolate; for all his actions were invariably methodic. A quarter after seven he went into a little closet. His German valet de chambre in waiting heard a noise, and running in, found the King dead on the floor."
10. Picking one's nose and eating it might be healthy
Mucophagy (literally mucus-eating, also referred as picking one's nose and eating it) is the consumption of the nasal mucus, boogers, and other detritus obtained from nose-picking.

Some research suggests that mucophagy may be a natural and even healthy activity, which exposes the digestive system to bacteria accumulated in the mucus, thereby helping to strengthen the immune system.

So what crazy science stuff do you know? Comment it!

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

The Top 10 Ed Tech predictions for 2011(C. Dawson and A. Garry)

I had a chance last week to talk with Adam Garry, Dell’s manager of global professional learning. A former teacher turned technology evangelist and educational leader at Dell, he had some great insight into where educational technology was headed this coming year. Some of the predictions could be tied to Dell products, but by and large, he and I agreed that 2011 would be the year of the platform.

As Adam explained, it’s no longer “all right to just drop off hardware anymore.” Rather, Dell works hard to ensure that the solutions they provide schools can support their learning platforms of choice and their goals for educational technology. If the goals and platforms don’t exist or aren’t well-designed and integrated, then Adam and Dell staff work to fully develop them and provide a basis for learning with technology.

I’m not going to number the predictions; but I will list Adam’s first. While he and I were in complete agreement on the broad trends for Ed Tech in 2011, I have a few more specific predictions of my own to share as well. The common thread, though? Platform, platform, platform.

Adam Garry’s Top 5 Ed Tech Trends/Predictions for 2011
“1:1 should be a learning initiative instead of a tech initiative”
This is probably my favorite quote from our conversation. So many technologies can be leveraged in such cost-effective ways to get students ubiquitous Internet access during the day and outside of school that the focus of 1:1 is no longer so much “How do we get kids computers and maintain them all?” but “How do we use these things to improve teaching, learning, and student achievement?” While financial hurdles still exist in many schools, a variety of solutions can be used to maximize student access, even if schools can’t achieve 1:1. However, without an underlying platform for learning and clearly defined strategy for using the technology both in and out of the classroom, you have a whole lot of expensive typewriters.
"Personalized learning instead of differentiated instruction"
The idea of differentiated instruction has been around for a long time. However, as Adam pointed out, we have finally “reached a tipping potin with digital assets and access” that can support truly personalized learning. We will hear less talk of learning management systems and more talk of platform that allows students to access the individualized digital assets (whether leveled reading, response to intervention software, or remediation tools, for example) they need to improve achievement. Dell is actually piloting a personalized learning platform, the idea being that every student can show mastery of subject matter in many ways. Not only will these platforms for personalized learning be driven by data (formative and summative assessments), but will cater to students’ learning styles and needs. Adam predicted that this approach won’t just be enabled by advances in technology and access, but also by the common math and literacy core standards being adopted nationwide.
"Product-based assessments"
Adam identified this as more of a hope than an actual trend, but noted that he is seeing a move towards assessments that are more product-based. As he noted, ”our Web 2.0 is Web 1.0 for our learners”. Since they are accustomed to producing and sharing content, a move towards a model of students as producers will provide opportunities for more authentic assessments and the sorts of portfolios that provide a much better picture of a student’s capabilities than a set of standardized tests can.

He also noted that the 2012 PISA should include measures of digital literacy, assessing critical thought and creativity, as well as the core subjects that received so much attention this month and placed the US so poorly compared to China and other industrialized nations.
"Increased focus on conceptual learning"
Looking at the new common core standards, it’s apparent that there will be a significantly increased focus on conceptual learning. While our curricula in the States have traditionally been wide and shallow, covering many topics poorly, we are moving towards much deeper, conceptual explorations of a smaller number of topics.
"The evolution of 1:1 - Different access models"
As I have noted many times on this blog, 1:1 can take many forms. Adam sees more and more schools providing the platform (wireless access, virtual classrooms, social learning, etc.), but allowing students to bring their own devices to access these platforms (with appropriate subsidies for those who cannot afford to). This obviously brings its own challenges, just as the so-called “consumerization of IT” has for businesses. However, it lets schools focus on the platform and learning rather than hardware acquisition.

On that note, he explained that Dell would continue supporting its netbook platform and the Connected Classroom hardware. Their Inspiron Duo (currently available to consumers and available early next year in school-appropriate and academically priced configurations) would be the next step for schools looking to a unified 1:1 platform from Dell since the product allows students to easily consume information as needed and easily switch to content production whenever they wanted.
Chris Dawson’s Top 5 Ed Tech Predictions for 2011
"Tablets. Nuff said."
Well, not quite enough said, since obviously I’m about to write a little blurb on tablet, but they almost speak for themselves. While I agree with Adam that devices like the Inspiron Duo that allow easy consumption as well as creation of content are going to be important in 1:1 and student computing, simply providing access to e-textbooks and the Internet in a small, light, relatively inexpensive form factor is going to revolutionary in and of itself.

While we’ve been hearing about those Android tablets for some time, the truth is that actually satisfactory Android tablets are going to take Android 3.0 and some serious economies of scale to reach the right price points. All indications are there that this confluence of tablet-ready Android (as well as the second-generation iPad) and serious OEM uptake will happen by the middle of 2011. It might be fall 2011 when the first large deployments start hitting schools, but tablets will be Internet portals for a lot of students this coming year.
"Getting thinner"
I’m not talking about slick new thin and light notebooks or MacBook Airs. I’m talking about thin computing. Everything from virtualized desktops to Windows MultiPoint Server to Userful’s Linux-based MultiPoint competitor will enable student access like never before. Even Google’s Chrome Notebook supports browser-based VNC and Citrix application presentation, making inexpensive devices and consumer IT products able to leverage enterprise-class applications and storage.

Whether it’s MultiPoint’s effective, yet relatively archaic RDP connections or sophisticated desktop presentation from VMWare or Wyse, thin clients (in all their forms) will get a lot of kids connected for less money and less management effort than virtually any other solution. The technology has now matured to such a point that even PC-Over-IP is accessible to schools for highly manageable advanced lab settings.
"The dog will not eat your homework"
Whether it’s Google Apps for Education, Live@Edu, Office365 for Education, or some social learning platform like Journ(i)e where students produce and submit most of their work online, cloud-based tools have become so easy to deploy and use that there is little reason not to. If you need a learning platform on the cheap, both Google Apps and Live@Edu provide free solutions that creative educators can use to engage students and run classes in really innovative ways.
"The Kindle fantasy finally dies"
I can’t tell you how often I still hear administrators and school board members continue to talk about getting Kindles for kids to lighten heavy backpacks and make reading fun and “21st century.” The Kindle isn’t bad for what it is, but it will never work in widespread educational deployments because of its underlying technologies and 20th-century DRM. Fortunately, the iPad has opened a lot of eyes to how digital content can be presented to kids and a variety of new, mainstream devices should finally put Oprah’s favorite little e-reader to bed in the minds of educational leaders.
"E-textbooks come to life"
The Kindle might be dead in ed, but e-textbooks will finally come of age in 2011. Google eBooks, open source books, teacher experts and students producing their own content, and even mainstream publishers seriously hopping on the e-textbook bandwagon will ensure that, as Adam Garry pointed out, digital assets will be plentiful and accessible.

Cheap tablets, iPad adoption (thanks to the Apple marketing machine and some compelling e-learning content, widespread EPUB adoption, and innovative form factors like the Dell Inspiron Duo will also help solve the chicken/egg problem (if there are no devices, why should publishers create e-content). Finally.

  • Reference/Source: zdnet.com by Christopher Dawson

Top 10 Most Expensive Houses in the World

Materialistic pleasures are so treasured in today’s world that very few people stop to think about other virtues in life. When it comes to living, some people live comfortably, others live extravagantly. Then there are these people who reside in the lap of luxury-literally!
1. Antilla
The most expensive house in the world is in India, owned by Mukesh Ambani. It is worth a whopping 1 billion dollars and has 27 floors. The house has a plush health club and a garage that can hold over 150 cars. Why? Just because this business tycoon has a personal collection of 168 cars. The house is made entirely of glass and is 570 feet tall.
2. William Randolph Hearst’s Mansion
This house was initially owned by William Randolph Hearst and has three swimming pools, 29 bedrooms as well as a state of the art movie theater and discotheque. The mansion was put up for sale since 2007 and taken off a year later when nobody showed any interest in it.  It is worth 165 million dollars and stretches across 6 acres of land.
3. Elena Franchuk’s Victorian Villa
This house is located in the Kensington district in London was bought recently for about 161 million dollars. This 5-storey house has a 10 bedroom villa, an indoor swimming pool, a panic room, move theater and a sauna plus gym.
4. The Penthouses at One Hyde Park
This house was still under construction the last time we checked. When it is completed, it will be the second most expensive house in the world with a net worth of 160 million dollars. It will be nestled within a skyscraper in London called One Hyde Park.
5. Aaron Spelling’s Manor
This mansion stands on land that stretches across 56,000 square feet of land. The net worth has been estimated at 150 million dollars and was built in 1991. It has 123 bedrooms, a tennis court, a skating rink, a bowling alley and several swimming pools.
6. Hala Ranch
Owned by Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia, this ranch will be found in Colo. It has 27 bathrooms and 15 bedrooms along with an indoor pool, private ski trails, sewage treatment plants, a tennis court, heated stables and a gas station. This 135 million dollar ranch stretches across 14,397 square feet.
7. Dracula’s Castle
This castle was made into a museum during the 1980s and a few year back, Archduke Dominic who is the owner of the house put up the castle for sale for a net worth of 80 million dollars. However, this offer was not accepted and 2 years later, he put up the house for sale again. This time for a price that was not disclosed. Nobody has bought it yet. It has 57 rooms, 17 bedrooms and beautiful antique furniture.
8. Fleur de Lys
worth over 125 million and built by Suzanne and David Saperstein, this house was put up for sale in 2007. The house has 15 bedrooms and the exterior is covered with French limestone while the interior is splashed with 24 karat gold. The house also has furniture items like Marie Antoinette’s curtain patterns and Napoleon’s favorite chair.
9. Maison de l’Amitie
Owned by Donald Trump, this house is in Palm Beach. It stretches across 80,000 square feet of land and holds a conservatory, a ballroom, 15 bedrooms, 8 half-baths, a tennis house and a luxurious guest cottage. The gigantic pool is only a minor part of this 125 million dollar mansion.
10. Updown Court
This house is located in England, just outside London and is reportedly larger than the Buckingham Palace. It has 103 rooms, a bowling alley, a large movie theater, over 3 swimming pools and a squash court. It is worth 116 million dollars and the best part is that the driveway is heated too!

Top 10 Franchises for 2011 (Entrepreneur.com)

Entrepreneur's Franchise 500® is the world's first, best and most comprehensive franchise ranking based on objective, quantifiable measures of success. There's no better place to start a franchise search.

What does it take to get to the top of Entrepreneur Magazine's annual Franchise 500 ranking? The 10 franchise systems that follow have captured their place in the spotlight for their outstanding quality, flexibility and strategic improvements. And it helps to have won the hearts of both franchisees and the public. Click through for an overview of the highlights.
Ranked #4 in 2010
1 - Hampton Hotels
Mid-priced hotels
$1,786,929 - $7,596,688

Hampton sits at No. 1 not because it bundles for free services that more upscale hotels charge through the nose for, or because it has a customer satisfaction guarantee (your money back if you're displeased for any reason, no questions asked) that's borderline insane, or because it just put waffle irons in all of its hotels. None of these hurt, but Hampton is tops because it listens to consumers and takes their ideas to heart.

Did you know: This year Hampton is launching in the U.K., Mexico, India, Romania and Trinidad.

Number of franchises: 1,753
Franchising since: 1984
Ranked #10 in 2010
2 - ampm
Convenience store & gas station
$1,057,200 - $1,885,000

Ampm has been pushing hot dogs and Snickers bars to U.S. travelers for more than 30 years, but the brand may not ring a bell. That's because for most of that time, ampm was only found in five western states, as the convenience brand of the Arco gas company. But in 2006, BP, which absorbed Arco in 2000, decided that the popular convenience store chain was ready to go national. Since then, BP has steadily sold off its BP Connect and other gas-station convenience stores, converting them to ampm franchises.

Did you know: In 2010, ampm launched a "secret menu" of snack bar recipes available only via Facebook.

Number of franchises: 3,177
Franchising since: 1979
Ranked #2 in 2010
3 - McDonald's
Hamburgers, chicken, salads
$30,800 - $604,500

You probably haven't noticed many Golden Arches going up around the country--the fast-food empire has more or less hit its North American saturation point, adding about 100 locations to its existing stock of 13,894 in 2010. But McDonald's has managed to stay dynamic (though it is putting up new stores in India and China, which is expected to open 600 new Mickey Ds by 2013). The focus at home is on improving quality and customer experience.

Did you know: This year GPS enthusiasts calculated the furthest you could get from a McDonald's in the Lower 48: 115 miles away in a deserted area of northwest Nevada.

Number of franchises: 26,209
Franchising since: 1955
Ranked #3 in 2010
4 - 7Eleven Inc.
Convenience store
$112,550 - $243,200

It's not that 7-Eleven isn't picky about its locations -- it pays plenty of attention to demographics, site selection and other basic metrics of franchising. It's more that it's adaptable, and during the past couple of years it has become like the yoga-master of franchising. Want to convert a mom-and-pop convenience store to a 7-Eleven? Need to squeeze a small convenience store onto a college campus or airport? Own a gas station but don't have the cash or experience to run the convenience store? 7-Eleven can help. It's no wonder it has 39,300 locations worldwide and more than 8,300 in North America, including 285 that opened last year.

Did you know: A new 7-11 opens every 6.5 hours

Number of franchises: 37,039
Franchising since: 1964
Ranked #5 in 2010
5 - Supercuts
Hair salon
$192,291 - $6,479,764

Before the Great Recession hit, Supercuts' growth pattern mirrored pretty much everyone else's -- wherever a shopping plaza was going up in a new market, it was there. But as construction projects dried up around the country, Supercuts began to rethink that strategy. The company will add 100 units nationally this year, and expectations are for double that in 2012.

Did you know: A Supercuts franchisee in Houston set a new Guinness world record in 2009 by giving 349 haircuts in 24 hours.

Number of franchises: 1,035
Franchising since: 1979
Ranked #21 in 2010
6 - Days Inn
$8,200 - $38,100

The old chestnut in the hospitality industry is that hotels are the first to feel a recession and the last to recover. This is demonstrably true. So Days Inn, one of Wyndham Hotel Group's 13 brands and the largest economy hotel chain in the world (based on number of rooms), did what any company in fear for its profit margin would do when tough times struck. It tried to save every penny it could.

Did you know: In recent years, Days Inn has opened hotels in China, the U.K., Costa Rica and Russia.

Number of franchises: 1,857
Franchising since: 1972
Ranked #30 in 2010
7 - Vanguard Cleaning Systems
Commercial cleaning
$127,300 - $174,700

Vanguard Cleaning Systems is in the Top 10 -- and its competitors are not -- because its quality and customer service are rare in the cleaning biz. Instead of rushing to put franchisees on the streets, Vanguard has taken care to select the right master franchisees and emphasize training. "Businesses look to companies like ours because of our training, customer support and quality," says Mark Heisten, vice president for business development.

Did you know: Vanguard has benefited from the recession as companies have scrapped their janitorial department to cut costs.

Number of franchises: 1,847
Franchising since: 1984
Ranked #9 in 2010
8 - Servpro
Insurance/disaster restoration & cleaning
$84,300 - $258,300

One good thing came out of the catastrophic floods that hit downtown Nashville, Tenn., last May: It gave Servpro a chance to show its home state what it's all about. The cleanup and restoration company, which specializes in smoke, fire, water and mold damage, mobilized its disaster recovery team and brought almost 700 crews from its 1,600 locations to Music City to help clean up the mess. It showed just how strong a national franchise can be in an industry dominated by small independent1 operations.

Did you know: After 40 years in business, Servpro opened its first international location in 2010.

Number of franchises: 1,526
Franchising since: 1969
Ranked #1 in 2010
9 - Subway
Submarine sandwiches & salads
$1,125,609 - $2,396,419

Last April, Subway threw its hat into a crowded ring by introducing a full line of breakfast sandwiches nationally. It was a risk for the hero-slinging behemoth, but according to the company, which does not release sales figures, the initiative exceeded expectations and boosted per unit averages. That has helped keep the 34,000-unit restaurant expanding. It added 2,000 stores in 2010, including 800 new locations outside the United States, and it expects to open 2,100 sites this year.

Did you know: Subway claims there are more than 2 million sandwich varieties available in their stores

Number of franchises: 33,188
Franchising since: 1974
Ranked #17 in 2010
10 - Denny's Inc.
Full-service family restaurant

Denny's is an American institution -- which is good and bad. It's got unbelievable brand recognition, but it's also saddled with decades of baggage, including a highly publicized discrimination lawsuit in the 1990s, a reputation as a hangout for late-night hoodlums and a bastion of bad food. But in 2009, Denny's began a hard and fast climb into the 21st century with one Super Bowl commercial, offering a free breakfast for anyone willing to wait. Two million people went in.

Did you know: Denny's started out in 1953 as Danny's Donuts, becoming Denny's in 1959

Number of franchises: 1,374
Franchising since: 1963

Top 10 Best IT Certifications of 2010

Just as with many popular arguments — Red Sox v. Yankees, Chelsea v. Manchester United, Ford v. Chevy — IT certifications are popular fodder for debate. Except that certifications, in an IT professional’s microcosm of a world, have a bigger impact on the future. Just which certifications hold the most value today? Here’s my list of the 10 accreditations with the greatest potential for technology support professionals, administrators, and managers seeking employment within consulting firms or small and midsize organizations.

This best certification list could be built using 10 Microsoft certifications, many of which would be MCITP accreditations. The world runs on Microsoft. Those professionals earning Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) certification give employers and clients confidence that they’ve developed the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, deploy, support, maintain, and optimize Windows technologies. Specifically, the Enterprise Desktop Administrator 7 and Server Administrator tracks hold great appeal, as will Enterprise Messaging Administrator 2010, as older Exchange servers are retired in favor of the newer platform.

With operating systems (Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, etc.) cycling through every several years, many IT professionals simply aren’t going to invest the effort to earn MCITP or MCSE accreditation on every version. That’s understandable. But mastering a single exam, especially when available examinations help IT pros demonstrate expertise with such popular platforms as Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008, is more than reasonable. That’s why the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) accreditation earns a spot on the list; it provides the opportunity for IT pros to demonstrate expertise on a specific technology that an organization may require right here, right now.

3: Network+
There’s simply no denying that IT professionals must know and understand the network principles and concepts that power everything within an organization’s IT infrastructure, whether running Windows, Linux, Apple, or other technologies. Instead of dismissing CompTIA’s Network+ as a baseline accreditation, every IT professional should add it to their resume.

4: A+
Just as with CompTIA’s Network+ certification, the A+ accreditation is another cert that all IT professionals should have on their resume. Proving baseline knowledge and expertise with the hardware components that power today’s computers should be required of all technicians. I’m amazed at the number of smart, intelligent, and seasoned IT pros who aren’t sure how to crack the case of a Sony Vaio or diagnose failed capacitors with a simple glance. The more industry staff can learn about the fundamental hardware components, the better.

SonicWALLs power countless SMB VPNs. The company’s network devices also provide firewall and routing services, while extending gateway and perimeter security protections to organizations of all sizes. By gaining Certified SonicWALL Security Administrator (CSSA) certification, engineers can demonstrate their mastery of network security essentials, secure remote access, or secure wireless administration. There’s an immediate need for engineers with the knowledge and expertise required to configure and troubleshoot SonicWALL devices providing security services.

Although SonicWALL has eaten some of Cisco’s lunch, the demand for Cisco skills remains strong. Adding Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) expertise to your resume does no harm and helps convince larger organizations, in particular, that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to deploy and troubleshoot Cisco routing and switching hardware.

Here’s where the debate really begins. Increasingly, my office is being asked to deploy and administer Mac OS X networks. In the real world, divorced from IT-industry rhetoric, we’re being asked to replace older Windows networks with Mac OS X client-server environments. We’re particularly seeing Apple traction within nonprofit environments. We’ve found the best bet is to get up to speed on the technologies clients are requesting, so it stands to reason that earning Apple Certified Technical Coordinator (ACTC) 10.6 accreditation won’t hurt. In fact, developing mastery over Mac OS X Snow Leopard Server will help provide confidence needed to actually begin pursuing Apple projects, instead of reactively responding to client requests to deploy and maintain Apple infrastructure.

Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) 10.6 accreditation helps IT professionals demonstrate expertise supporting Mac OS X client workstations. If you work for a single organization, and that firm doesn’t use Macs, you won’t need this certification. But larger organizations adding Macs due to demand within different departments or consultants working with a wide client base will do well to ensure they have Snow Leopard client skills. The ACSP is the perfect way to prove mastery.

Unchanged from the last 10 best certifications list, ISC2’s security accreditation for industry professionals with at least five years of full-time experience is internationally recognized for its value and validity. The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) title demonstrates expertise with operations and network security, subjects that will only increase in importance as legal compliance, privacy, and risk mitigation continue commanding larger organizations’ attention.

10: PMP
I fear organizations begin cutting project managers first when times get tough. Management roles and responsibilities often get passed to technical staff when layoffs occur. Even in challenging economic times, though, IT departments require staff familiar with planning, scheduling, budgeting, and project management. That’s why the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Professional (PMP) accreditation makes the list. The cert measures candidates’ expertise in managing and planning projects, budgeting expenses, and keeping initiatives on track. While there’s an argument to place CompTIA’s Project+ certification in this slot, PMI is a respected organization that exists solely to further professional project management and, as such, deserves the nod.

Honorable mentions:

MCSE, ITIL, RHCP, Linux+, VCP, ACE, QuickBooks, Security+

In the previous version of this article, readers asked where NetWare certification stands. It’s not on the list. That’s not a mistake. It’s gone the way of BNC connectors, in my opinion. Microsoft owns the market. MCSEs have more value.

ITIL has its place, particularly in larger environments. RHCP (or Linux+) and VCP have roles within enterprises dependent upon Red Hat/Linux and VMware virtualization technologies certainly, but those organizations remain hit or miss.

Acronis’ ACE deserves a look. With some 3 million systems being backed up now by Acronis image software, it would behoove technology professionals to learn how to properly use the software. I think it’s fair to say there’s still some confusion as to the software’s tremendous potential.

SMBs are also demonstrating a surge of interest in QuickBooks technologies. From QuickBooks Point-of-Sale to QuickBooks Enterprise platforms, there’s strong, growing demand for QuickBooks expertise in the field. The company’s growth is impressive. There’s no other way to describe it. In a crappy economy, Intuit’s growing.

Security+, really, is a no brainer, but I’ll get lit up if I include nothing but CompTIA certifications in the top 10 list. However, my advice for anyone entering the industry or even veterans seeking their first accreditations would be to load up on CompTIA certs. How can you go wrong with the manufacturer-independent certifications that demonstrate mastery of fundamentals across a range of topics, including project management, hardware, networking, security, and voice networks? You could do much worse.

A word on the methodology
There’s no double-blind statistically valid data analysis run through a Bayesian probability calculus formula here. I’ve worked in IT long enough, however, and with enough different SMBs, to know what skills we need when the firm I co-own hires engineers and sends technicians onsite to deploy new systems or troubleshoot issues.

Sure, I could have thrown in ITIL to satisfy enterprise professionals, included RHCP to sate the rabid open source crowd, and added VCP to look hip modernizing the list with a virtualization element. But I’m just not seeing the demand for those skills in companies with up to several hundred employees. My firm’s been asked to deploy exactly one Linux server in almost seven years. And we’ve virtualized maybe a dozen systems. Therefore, I feel it would be a disservice to readers to include such accreditations when I see, on a daily basis, vastly greater demand for these other skill sets.

Top 10 Best Comedy Movies of 2010 (Year Ender)

2010 has been a relatively funny year thus far, with quite a few comedies making their mark on the box office. Though some of the year’s funnier titles are admittedly coming out later in the summer, here are the ten funniest movies to be released thus far:

1. Get Him to the Greek
With Jonah Hill and Russell Brand leading the way, Get Him to the Greek succeeds on multiple levels. Directed by the same man who brought you Forgetting Sarah Marshall, this Nicholas Stoller film provides funny performances with a plot that works. It runs on the dry humor of Hill, with plenty of one liners to keep movie quoters afloat for the duration of the summer.

2. MacGruber
The big problem with most comedy films is that they rehash the same tired characters over and over. This film featured Will Forte, Ryan Phillipe and a great performance from Val Kilmer, adding something different in a tried and true comedy world. Though only slapstick humor, MacGruber was funny enough to satisfy audiences.

3. Death at a Funeral
Sometimes a movie’s deficiencies must be overcome by a great cast of actors. Martin Lawrence and Chris Rock qualify and their performance in this movie is what makes it great. The dialogue between Lawrence and Rock is classic, as they become the primary draw in this one.

4. Date Night
Any time Steve Carell is involved, expectations are going to be high. In Date Night, he and Tina Fey played the lead, and produced a moderately funny comedy. Carell himself was able to carry the action, as the plot left something to be desired. Performances from Ray Liotta and Mila Kunis were highly underrated and helped to round out the sophisticated comedy cast.

5. Greenberg
This Ben Stiller flick is a bit more nuanced, as it doesn’t bring the “in your face” comedy style for which he has become famous. Still, he is electric in his role as a down and out New Yorker, and the plot is funny despite hitting home for many viewers in today’s economy.

6. Cop Out
An early February release, Cop Out benefited at the box office from a lack of comedy alternatives. With former SNL funny man Tracey Morgan teaming up with Bruce Willis, there are some moments where the actors’ tension produces the humor. With an uncharacteristically funny performance from Sean William Scott to top things off, Cop Out was as funny as an overdone police movie could be.

7. Our Family Wedding
This film touched on many sensitive themes, including interracial marriages and cultural strife. Still, Forrest Whitaker delivers in his customary way, and Carlos Mencia is there to provide humor on the side. Anyone who has been through a wedding can enjoy the mishaps and hilarity that ensue when the pressure is so high.

8. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
This is a somewhat different comedy attempt, as it is an adaptation from an illustrated work. The work includes some real life adventures that just about anyone can relate to, which makes it especially funny at parts. Zachary Gordon also provides something of a come-out performance.

9. Hot Tub Time Machine
In typical fashion, many of the funniest parts of this movie were shown in the trailer. It was still good enough to produce laughs for a couple of hours, though. The idea behind the movie is somewhat cheesy, but the situations and performances are good enough. A guest appearance by Chevy Chase is what puts this movie over the top.

10. I Love you, Phillip Morris
Jim Carey’s latest film can be called many things, with funny and weird among those things. A racy film about a gay love affair and a con scheme, this one was not as popular at the box office as it should have been. Not surprisingly, it is Carey’s performance that powers this film.

Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2010

Here are our editor's picks for the Top 10 Best Flash Websites of 2010 based on visual artistry, integrated sound, ease of use, and uniqueness.

1 | Moodstream | Getty Images
Moodstream is a hypnotic website brought to you by the folks at Getty Images that offers a brainstorming tool designed to help get your creative juices flowing. By simply tweaking the mood sliders you can adjust a stream of images, footage, & audio that can help inspire your creative direction.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

2 | Monoface
Mono is an advertising agency based in Minneapolis, MN that lives by the motto that "simpler is better." The "Mono"face site lives up to that motto by presenting visitors with a fun and simple Flash application that allows them to sculpt a Mr. Potato Head style face that contains 759,375 entertaining possibilities.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

3 | Waterlife
Waterlife is a showcase for the documentary film of the same name that offers its audience a wonderful preview of the lush cinematography and rich storytelling found in the film. The true genius of the site, however, is found in its fluid navigation that recalls the gentle motion of a lake.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

4 | Marc Ecko
MarcEcko.com is a wonderful example of using the vast possibilities of Flash to accurately reflect the ethos of a consumer brand within a website. Even visitors unfamiliar with the Ecko brand will feel they understand the art & philosophy it symbolizes within a few minutes of touring the site.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development
5 | HBO - Home Box Office
In January 2010 HBO relaunched its website so that, in their own words they could, "create a rich, interactive online destination worthy of the HBO brand" and we believe they have done just that. HBO.com accomplishes this by using Flash to enhance the must-see appeal of the networks exclusive shows.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

6 | Get The Glass
Get The Glass is the work of the California Milk Processor Board and was designed to encourage increased milk consumption by inviting visitors to participate in a comically entertaining Flash based game whose objective is to Get the Glass--of milk of course. The current design appeared in late 2007.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

7 | AgencyNet Interactive
AgencyNet Interactive is a design studio based in New York City, NY and Fort Lauderdale, FL whose current website design appeared in January of 2010. Absolutely stunning site! The depth and functionality of the site far surpasses any Flash based site we've ever seen, but don't take our word for it...
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

8 | 2Advanced Studios
2Advanced Studios is an interactive design firm based in Aliso Viejo, CA whose current design appeared in August 2006. 2Advanced has always been known for their stylish neo-ancient homepage design, but their latest redesign takes that to a whole new level with a background mural that is truly inspiring.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

9 | Dave Werner's Portfolio
Dave Werner uses his Flash skills not only to publish his portfolio, but through the use of well narrated video, he also gives visitors a sense of his personal story which seeks to give stronger voice and context to his featured work. The current version of OkayDave.com went live in mid 2006.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development
10 | Section Seven Inc.
Section Seven Inc. is a website design studio that has utilizes the power of Flash to create a truly unique navigation system that allows users to tour their portfolio in style. Their current site appeared on the web in early 2007 and has received numerous awards including the prestigious FWA.
Best Flash Websites | Website Design & Development

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

10 of the Top Christmas Gifts For Children in the Philippines

"Christmas is for children. But it is for grownups too. Even if it is a headache, a chore, and nightmare, it is a period of necessary defrosting of chill and hide-bound hearts." - Lenora Mattingly Weber, Extension.

Christmas is near, and usually children are the ones who are always excited during this season. Among the many countries in the world, the Philippines has the longest Christmas celebration. Imagine, Filipinos celebrate Christmas from September 1 up to the first week of January (three kings).It's really nice to be a Filipino, no wonder the Filipinos are among the happiest people on earth.

Anyway, before we go any further,we know children collect gifts every Christmas. There are times that we just give some money to avoid the pandemonium in crowded shopping malls, the kilometer length queque of shoppers, and the heavy traffic jam in Metro Manila streets. Despite of that, some Godparents still prefer to buy gifts for most children love material more than monetary gifts. For those who are still thinking of what to give to your Godchildren, here is the list of top ten Christmas gifts for Filipino kids:

1 - An electronic skateboard. This is perfect for children living in rural areas.

2 - Mancala game. This is also called "sungka" in the Philippines

3 - Radio-controlled toy vehicle. No doubt Race cars, trucks, or even helicopter are little boys top picks.

4 - Starter guitar set. Admit it, we Filipinos love music.

5 - Jump ropes and hoola hoops. Little girls like these games.

6 - Toy tops. They are fascinating for both Filipino whether they are boys and girls.

7 - Books. Let's have some investments on educational stuff.

8 - Razor carver

9 - DVDs. Disney movies (relatively animated and now, in 3D) are perfect for my "Inaanak"(God-Daughter/Son) and "Pamangkins"(Nephew).

10 - Fan-a traditional Filipino fan will be great!

I actually have a lot in my list but these are the top ten suggested gifts that will surely make the children happy. Furthermore, Filipino kids like the same things as children around the world, so, the above items can also be of help for non-Filipino gift givers.

Top 10 Pinoy/Filipino Bad Habits

1. It's ok to be late.

2. Pinoy drivers do not give the right of way to pedestrians when approaching pedestrian crossings.

3. Smoking in public utility vehicles

4. Spends so much money for fireworks during the holidays and lights them up showing no regard for safety despite thousands of fireworks-related-injuries every year.

5. Karaoke at full volume all through the night until the wee hours of the morning without any regard for the neighbors.

6. Tons of garbage in a vacant lot with a sign that says, "Huwag Magtapon ng Basura Dito." (Please don't throw your garbage here)

7. Smoke belching

8. Keeps blaming every president that runs the country of corruption but does nothing else about their corrupt relatives who work at city hall, relatives who are (Kotong) cops/traffic enforcers who accept bribes, etc.

9. Government officials work in air conditioned offices and buildings while elementary students in public schools have classes in sweltering heat in make-shift classrooms. I wonder how many classrooms can be built with the money that can be saved if all government officials turn their air conditioning off and just open the windows while working.

At the Payatas Elementary School nearby, Edmon Miguel Jr., 24, is spending his own money to try to improve conditions. “We are just waiting for our salary, the other teacher and me,” said Mr. Miguel, who earns 9,000 pesos, or $187, a month. “We will make it a beautiful classroom. We will make it a classroom conducive to learning.”His classroom is a narrow passageway with a tin roof and no windows where 62 children ages 8 to 12 sit crammed together at tiny desks. It floods during the monsoon season “When it rains, my shoes get wet, but I continue to teach the children,” Mr. Miguel said. “Sometimes their notebooks fall in the water.” --an excerpt from "The Philippines Face Classroom Shortage by Seth Mydans published on http://www.nytimes.com
10. You decide what number ten is. Add your Pinoy bad habit/s in the comments section.

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Top 10 in 10 Genres by The American Film Institute

LOS ANGELES - The American Film Institute's top-10 lists of the best in 10 film genres:

1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937.
2. Pinocchio, 1940.
3. Bambi, 1942.
4. The Lion King, 1994.
5. Fantasia, 1940.
6. Toy Story, 1995.
7. Beauty and the Beast, 1991.
8. Shrek, 2001.
9. Cinderella, 1950.
10. Finding Nemo, 2003.
1. The Wizard of Oz, 1939.
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 2001.
3. It's a Wonderful Life, 1946.
4. King Kong, 1933.
5. Miracle on 34th Street, 1947.
6. Field of Dreams, 1989.
7. Harvey, 1950.
8. Groundhog Day, 1993.
9. The Thief of Bagdad, 1924.
10. Big, 1988.
1. The Godfather, 1972.
2. Goodfellas, 1990.
3. The Godfather Part II, 1974.
4. White Heat, 1949.
5. Bonnie and Clyde, 1967.
6. Scarface: The Shame of a Nation, 1932.
7. Pulp Fiction, 1994.
8. The Public Enemy, 1931.
9. Little Caesar, 1930.
10. Scarface, 1983.
Science Fiction
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968.
2. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, 1977.
3. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982.
4. A Clockwork Orange, 1971.
5. The Day The Earth Stood Still, 1951.
6. Blade Runner, 1982.
7. Alien, 1979.
8. Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991.
9. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1956.
10. Back to the Future, 1985.
1. The Searchers, 1956.
2. High Noon, 1952.
3. Shane, 1953.
4. Unforgiven, 1992.
5. Red River, 1948.
6. The Wild Bunch, 1969.
7. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1969.
8. McCabe & Mrs. Miller, 1971.
9. Stagecoach, 1939.
10. Cat Ballou, 1965.
1. Raging Bull, 1980.
2. Rocky, 1976.
3. The Pride of the Yankees, 1942.
4. Hoosiers, 1986.
5. Bull Durham, 1988.
6. The Hustler, 1961.
7. Caddyshack, 1980.
8. Breaking Away, 1979.
9. National Velvet, 1944.
10. Jerry Maguire, 1996.
1. Vertigo, 1958.
2. Chinatown, 1974.
3. Rear Window, 1954.
4. Laura, 1944.
5. The Third Man, 1949.
6. The Maltese Falcon, 1941.
7. North By Northwest, 1959.
8. Blue Velvet, 1986.
9. Dial M for Murder, 1954.
10. The Usual Suspects, 1995.
Romantic Comedy
1. City Lights, 1931.
2. Annie Hall, 1977.
3. It Happened One Night, 1934.
4. Roman Holiday, 1953.
5. The Philadelphia Story, 1940.
6. When Harry Met Sally ..., 1989.
7. Adam's Rib, 1949.
8. Moonstruck, 1987.
9. Harold and Maude, 1971.
10. Sleepless in Seattle, 1993.
Courtroom Drama
1. To Kill a Mockingbird, 1962.
2. 12 Angry Men, 1957.
3. Kramer Vs. Kramer, 1979.
4. The Verdict, 1982.
5. A Few Good Men, 1992.
6. Witness for the Prosecution, 1957.
7. Anatomy of a Murder, 1959.
8. In Cold Blood, 1967.
9. A Cry in the Dark, 1988.
10. Judgment at Nuremberg, 1961.
1. Lawrence of Arabia, 1962.
2. Ben-Hur, 1959.
3. Schindler's List, 1993.
4. Gone With the Wind, 1939.
5. Spartacus, 1960.
6. Titanic, 1997.
7. All Quiet on the Western Front, 1930.
8. Saving Private Ryan, 1998.
9. Reds, 1981.
10. The Ten Commandments, 1956.

10 Celebrities Accused Of Mistreating Animals

#1.Kim Kardashian is in hot water with animal rights groups after tweeting a picture of her holding a black kitten by its scruff. PETA was uncharacteristically diplomatic, saying, “Kim Kardashian isn’t the only person who mistakenly thinks that because a mother cat picks up her kittens by the scruff of the neck that a supportive hand under the rump isn’t needed. But I’ll bet plenty of fans have let her know—nicely, we hope!”
Kim responded to the attention, writing, “I have been getting negative comments regarding the way I was holding the kitty, but rest assured, the owner and vet were on set and showed me how to pick him up. The cat was not harmed in any way and is perfectly fine! I love animals.” [NY Daily News]
It’s heartbreaking to hear about animal abuse—I still cry every time that damn Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercial comes on. But because the number of celebrities accused of animal abuse is kind of shocking, we rounded up 10 offenders.

#2.Paris Hilton has had more accusations of animal cruelty and neglect than any other celebrity. Her neighbors say her animals wander the neighborhood—at least one kitten was hit by a car. Her employees allegedly reported that sometimes Paris will adopt a puppy but doesn’t want to train it so she’ll leave it in a closet and days later, they’ll find it dead. Another cat was taken back to the shelter after Paris failed to pick it up after it was neutered. Paris told Ellen DeGeneres that she had 17 pets at one time, many of which are apparently left in her home for months at a time with only a maid to feed them. She was also berated for carrying her chihuahua Tinkerbell around like an accessory and causing animal shelters to be flooded with chihuahuas whose owners had taken a cue from the socialite. With Paris’ attention span, she needs a pet intervention. [Monsters and Critics,Gawker]

#3.British artist Banksy, whose movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop” just came out in theaters, was accused of animal abuse after painting an elephant for an art show. The elephant was covered in nontoxic, floral paint and cards were handed out, which read, “There’s an elephant in the room. There’s a problem we never talk about. Twenty-billion people live below the poverty line.” Which, uh, the world’s population is an estimated 6.69 billion people. A representative from the group In Defense of Animals said, “It didn’t seem the elephant was under stress. There were carrots and things, but it’s another example of our exploitation of animals—so gimmicky.” I’m much more offended by the lack of fact-checking than the elephant.

#4.The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals went to check on Britney Spears’ dog London after officers received complaints from people who saw him in a cast and were worried that he’d broken his leg and had not been treated properly. The SPCA confirmed that they’d heard from Britney’s veterinarian that London had proper medical attention. What? Did people think that Britney had put her own dog’s leg in a cast herself?

#5.Everyone’s heard of Ozzy Osbourne‘s infamous chomping off a bat’s head during a performance. But did you know that an audience member threw it on stage and Osbourne thought it was fake and had to be rushed to the hospital for a rabies vaccination afterward? Kinda makes it less metal, huh? [MTV]

#6.Gerard Butler was accused of punching a guy’s dog in the face recently while walking his (super cute) pug Lolita. The dog’s owner claims that the dogs touched noses and Butler punched his greyhound so hard that it slammed into a fence and yelped in pain. Butler also allegedly ranted about how the dog should be put to sleep. Butler, however, says he was trying to break the dogs apart after the greyhound attacked Lolita and bit her on the neck, after which Butler had to spend four hours at the vet while Lolita got stitches. I believe Butler because the other guy’s story sounds totally illogical. And he’s probably much less attractive than Gerard. [Soft Pedia]

#7.Cesar Millan, known to many as the Dog Whisperer, has been accused of animal cruelty by the RSPCA, who say that his training techniques—which include electric shock collars, pinning them to the floor, and restricting their air supply with nooses—causes “unnecessary pain and suffering.” Millan claims he did not use electric shock but maintains that “dogs should be treated as dogs, not substitute children” and that owners need to be strong and calm leaders. Yeah, but it’s pretty lame to claim you’re whispering when you’re really choking. [Daily Mail]

#8.Because his karma ran out (or came full circle), Jesse James has been accused of animal abuse on top of the whole ruining Sandra Bullock‘s life thing. A source says that Jesse fought his pit bulls almost to the death and one of their legs was nearly completely torn off. According to the source, “Sandra was horrified and in tears when she first heard what had happened to those animals. She believed he was this gentle biker with a heart of gold. But if he can let this sort of thing happen to his dogs, that tells you who he really is—Jesse IS heartless.” [Ecorazzi]

#9.PETA asked prosecutors to investigate Mike Tyson‘s Animal Planet reality TV show about pigeon racing, saying the races likely involve illegal gambling and cruelty to animals. Mike Tyson has apparently been raising pigeons since he was little, but this will be his first venture into racing them. The important thing to take away here is that Mike Tyson raises pigeons. WTF? [Stuff]

#10.Jon Gosselin made the honest mistake of talking about how his kids treat the family dogs, saying, “Those kids beat them up, climb on them, pull their tails, bite at them, drag them around and everything you can imagine not to do to an animal.” Animal activists got all up in his business and Gosselin issued another statement saying, “We understand the responsibilities of being good dog owners. Whenever my kids are with Shoka and Nala, everyone is carefully supervised to ensure that no one—dog or child—is injured.” That’s just how kids are with animals. I used to get knocked on my butt by our German Shepherd and I would turn around and spank him. Just as Jesus would have done, had he been a toddler with a large dog. Probably. [Zimbio]

10 Products That Were Recently Banned (Pullout)

These products were banned over the last decade because they were either considered to dangerous or unnecessary.
1. Trans Fats
Most food companies add Trans fat to their products because they stay fresh for a longer period of time. However, the body finds it difficult to break it down and starts suffering from heart disease or high cholesterol problems. Denmark and Switzerland banned certain products that were laced with over two percent of Trans fat.
2. Baby Walkers
Canada banned baby walkers in 2004 because according to statistics, over 1,900 babies were injured while using it. The Ministry determined that this happened because infants do not have the required abilities to use the product safely. Parents in Canada need not worry because studies reveal that baby walkers do not help babies walk faster.
3. Incandescent Light Bulbs
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs last much longer than Incandescent Bulbs and use only 25% of the available energy which is why the latter has been phased out by countries like Australia and Cuba. California plans to ban them within the next 8 years.

4. Chewing Gum
Singapore banned chewing hum in 1992 and the bill was revised about 6 years back. People are not allowed to stick their gum under chairs, on the floor or under tables. When somebody stuck it on the doors of the metro, it became necessary to ban it. Those who travel to Singapore are not allowed to carry gum and the Government constantly tells the public about how gum is hazardous to health.
5. Use of Cigarettes on Television and Movies
India banned smoking in movies and on television in 2005 as it was felt that children tend to take up the habit after seeing their favorite actors indulging in it. According to the ban, the actor’s hand is supposed to get blurred out if the scene demands that he should smoke.
6. Plastic Bags
People use about a trillion plastic bags through the year and we all know how harmful plastic is for the environment. Bangladesh banned the use of plastic bags in 2002 after the found that the floods of 1988 and 1998 occurred because the drains got blocked with such bags. The ban was introduced in Africa, United Kingdom and Australia soon after.

7. Extremely Skinny Models
Even though this is not a product; it definitely deserves a mention in this list. Hiring extremely skinny models for advertisements was banned after the model, Luisel Ramos died in 2006. She had a cardiac arrest after which doctors realized that she had been surviving on diet coke and leaves for over 90 days. The Italian Government then declared that the body mass index of all models should not go below 18.
8. Circus Animals
After it was revealed that circus animals were living in miserable conditions and were made to starve just so that they would perform better on the final day; the Bolivian Senate banned the circus in 2009. Denmark, Austria, Finland and Costa Rica introduced similar bans many years back.
9. Cigarettes
Ireland prohibited smoking indoors in 2004 while Bhutan banned the sale of cigarettes in 2008. Those who go against the ban in Bhutan have to pay a fine of about 232 dollars. However, the sad part is that tobacco products are still being traded illegally in this mountainous kingdom.
10. Products used for Spanking Children
Sweden declared in 1979 that parents could not spank their children using certain products or otherwise, after which over 24 countries followed suit. Studies show that after the ban was introduced, child abuse rates were reduced considerably.

The Top 10 Banned foods of the world

We usually have the freedom to eat whatever we please, and what is considered a taboo in one culture, might be a delicacy in another.

However, there are some foods that are banned in certain parts of the world, due to various reasons like environmental risks, cruelty to animals, or because that certain food was found to be injurious to one’s health.

Here is a low-down on some of the foods that have been banned in some or the other part of the world:

1. Foie Gras 
Foie gras is the result of the force feeding of the goose before slaughtering it.
Foie gras is a delicacy made out of duck or goose liver. It is banned in Turkey, the European Union, and Israel due to a process called force-feeding. To make foie gras, birds are force-fed corn mash or some other type of food about 8 days before they are slaughtered in order to enlarge the liver and give it a fatty consistency. 
Citing cruelty to animals, some countries have placed a ban on this item. However, Foie Gras is still readily found in many of these countries.

2. Japanese Puffer Fish (Fugu)

Sometimes known as blowfish, Fugu in Asian countries, this fish is banned in manyPuffer fish, although an Asian delicacy, can be extremely poisonous. countries due to its internal organs and other body parts being highly poisonous. In fact, if you eat the wrong part of this fish, or unknowingly consume a poisonous part of the fish, you will more than likely die from tetrodotoxin, which is a neurotoxin that destroys your body’s nerve tissue, paralyzing the body and then causing asphyxiation. In the European Union, selling or consuming this fish is strictly prohibited. In the U.S., it is illegal to sell, harvest, or serve the fish without having a license to do so. 

3. Sassafras

In the past, sassafras was a widely used plant, often used by Indian tribes to treat common ailments, as well as a way to have some sort of aromatherapy. It is said that the herb could sure a cold, stomach ache, and other ailments. It was also used as a cure for syphilis. Before the 1960s, sassafras was used in many different foods, and even drinks. However, in the 1960s, the FDA banned all use of sassafras and any ingredient made out of it, most notably, safrole. It was banned due to the fact that it is possibly carcinogenic, as determined by lab rat experiments, which concluded that rats given sassafras often contracted liver cancer.

4. Absinthe

In the 1800s, absinthe was gradually banned in many locations around the world. This was due to a large increase in violence and hallucinations, as well as mental illness. Again in the 20th century, researchers looked at absinthe and considered it to be highly unsafe. In 1915, absinthe was banned in most European countries with the exception of a few.

5. Horse Meat

Horse meat is considered to be a taboo food in many countries, including the U.S., Ireland, Australia, Canada, and throughout various cultural groups around the world. Both the U.S. and U.K. have banned the slaughter and consumption of horses, as they are seen as companions and labeled “sports animals.”

6. Casu Marzu Maggot Cheese

Casu marzu, which means "rotting cheese" in Sardinian, is not just an aged and veryCasu marzu is a runny white cheese made by injecting Pecorino Sardo cheese with cheese-eating larvae that measure about one-half inch long. smelly cheese, it is an illegal commodity in many places. Casu marzu is a runny white cheese made by injecting Pecorino Sardo cheese with cheese-eating larvae that measure about one-half inch long.

7. Blackened Redfish

In 1980, New Orleans chef Paul Prudhomme publicized his recipe for blackened redfish, which is still very popular today. The recipe was so popular that it sparked a blackened redfish craze in the 1980s, which so severely threatened the redfish stock that the Commerce Department had to step in and close down fisheries in July 1986.

8. Uncertified Chilean Sea Bass

At first, the uncertified Chilean sea bass was banned by 24 nations, including the U.S. due to the fact that it was extremely popular in restaurants as well as in the home and many feared it would become endangered. The fish is known for having flaky white flesh and a high fat content, which makes it tasty. Today, the fish is banned in even more countries due to the fact that it has become over-fished.

9. Ortolan
The Ortolan used to meet with a horrible fate, once upon a time.
In the same cruel fashion as foie gras, this tiny bird has little to sing about, as historically it was horribly tortured before being eaten as a gastronomic treat by the aristocracy of France. 
Its fate was often to be captured, have its eyes poked out, and be put in a small cage, then force-fed until it grew to four times its normal size. Next the poor bird would be drowned in brandy, roasted, and eaten whole. The Ortolan is now considered to be a protected species in France.

10. Shark fins

Though still in the process of being banned world wide, the slicing of shark fins is now banned in Scottish waters, as well as UK waters. In Hawaii, the practice is banned entirely due to the fact that 60,000 sharks were found dead each year. The practice, often seen as barbaric, has been banned in countries because it is seen as cruel and brutal and many species of rare sharks are becoming endangered, or even extinct.